Sunday, December 18, 2011

"Finally a Break"

I wish someone could see how long the road has been. Tumbling a and dirty I trudged the narrow path. I feel as though I've had to prove myself every step of the way. In the end I think I was only trying to prove something to myself.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


It is true that I am often two people at the same time. One part of me bides its time, frozen in fear of losing face in the presence of all I admire and fear I cannot attain. The other part of me speaks boldly with a scalding tone so fearless I do not require nor invite the approval of others. The starving light of a fearful soul can easily be extinguished. Yet, I suspect within us all resides the magnificent opportunity to envision what we could be. It burns behind the dim lit door that shelters the true and momentarily hidden heart of every hero. As a parent nurtures the best qualities in a child, fate and circumstance release us from the guilt of failure by proving our capacity for change through the process of living. .